[Python-Dev] PEP 556 threaded garbage collection & linear recursion in gc

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Thu Mar 28 05:27:23 EDT 2019

On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 15:59:25 -0700
"Gregory P. Smith" <greg at krypto.org> wrote:
> That had a C++ stack trace 1000+ levels deep repeating the pattern of
> ...
>     @     0x564d59bd21de         32  func_dealloc
>     @     0x564d59bce0c1         32  cell_dealloc
>     @     0x564d5839db41         48  tupledealloc
>     @     0x564d59bd21de         32  func_dealloc
>     @     0x564d59bce0c1         32  cell_dealloc
>     @     0x564d5839db41         48  tupledealloc
> ...

As Tim said, if you still have a core dump somewhere (or can reproduce
the issue) it would be nice to know why the "trashcan" mechanism didn't



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