[Python-Dev] Location of CI for Windows Embeddable Distro

Gerald Wiltse jerrywiltse at gmail.com
Thu May 2 11:24:37 EDT 2019

I've successfully automated the build of the embedded zip on Windows for
3.6 on my internal CI using tools/msi script.

Moving onto linux, can you please summarize the primary
challenges/differences for creating the embeddable zip for linux?

Gerald R. Wiltse
jerrywiltse at gmail.com

On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 2:47 PM Gerald Wiltse <jerrywiltse at gmail.com> wrote:

> Yes, I'll help with this, and I try to get signed up with an account for
> the issue tracker ASAP.
> I've just started trying to build create the embeddable package for
> windows locally (all from source).  Once I have that automated, I'll take a
> naive stab at the Linux layout.  I'm sure i'll soon hit the additional
> complications you're talking about and come back to you with questions.
> Gerald R. Wiltse
> jerrywiltse at gmail.com
> On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 1:57 PM Steve Dower <steve.dower at python.org> wrote:
>> On 01May2019 1305, Gerald Wiltse wrote:
>> > That does help, thanks so much for the fast response!  I now see how
>> > it's executed on Azure pipelines also, so that should be enough for me
>> > to reverse engineer the rest.
>> >
>> > Followup questions if you have time:
>> > 1. It seems that directory doesn't exist in the 3.6 branches/tags, so
>> it
>> > must have been done a different way back then.  Do you think it's
>> > back-portable to 3.6?
>> Yep, it should work with 3.6. There were scripts under Tools/msi back
>> then that did the same thing, but with the Store app I rewrote it to be
>> more flexible.
>> > 2. One of our objectives is to effectively create a nearly identical
>> > embeddable package for linux. Do you think the layout code is generic
>> > enough to be modified to create a linux equivalent?
>> Probably not, it's under the "PC" directory because it is entirely
>> CPython specific.
>> I'd love to be able to have a similar embeddable distro for Linux (and
>> macOS), and I'll be investing some of my time in working towards this,
>> but it's far more complicated than simply laying out the right files. If
>> you're interested in helping with this, then we're in the right place to
>> discuss it, but we'll likely have to move to the issue tracker at some
>> point once we figure out who else wants/needs to be involved.
>> > Obviously, there are many alternative methods and documents for
>> creating
>> > "embeddable" pythons on linux, but the windows package has all the
>> > characteristics we want, and of course we'd like our Windows and Linux
>> > process build and packaging processes to be as similar as possible, so
>> > it seems attractive to try to port this layout script to linux.
>> "make install" already does the same thing, but the install location
>> matters at build time, so it's a little more complex to make it work as
>> an embedded runtime. I'm sure there are people who know how to make it
>> work though.
>> Cheers,
>> Steve
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