[Python-Dev] PEP 594: Removing dead batteries from the standard library

Glenn Linderman v+python at g.nevcal.com
Tue May 21 13:42:20 EDT 2019

On 5/21/2019 10:12 AM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> I still like http.server for quick temporary hacks where I want to be 
> able to point a browser at some code I wrote 5 minutes ago and that I 
> plan to discard in an hour. Usually it's running at localhost:8000. 
> Remembering how to use Django, flask or Tornado seems overkill for 
> that purpose.

After maintaining my own version of http.server to fix or workaround 
some of its deficiencies for some years, I discovered bottle.py. It has 
far more capability, is far better documented, and is just as quick to 
deploy. While I haven't yet converted all past projects to use 
bottle.py, it will likely happen in time, unless something even simpler 
to use is discovered, although I can hardly imagine that happening.

I agree that Django, flask, and Tornado have bigger learning curves, due 
to having their own philosophies on how things should be done... I 
looked at each on my way to finding bottle.py, and in each case decided 
their philosophies, while probably useful to people that like or need 
the capabilities offered, were excessive to learn if the capabilities 
were not needed.

Providing http.server as an included battery is a disservice to novice 
users, because they might try to use it for something real.

> On Tue, May 21, 2019 at 9:39 AM Glenn Linderman <v+python at g.nevcal.com 
> <mailto:v%2Bpython at g.nevcal.com>> wrote:
>     On 5/20/2019 2:20 PM, Christian Heimes wrote:
>>     On 20/05/2019 23.12, Andrew Svetlov wrote:
>>>     socketserver.py is also questionable
>>     I briefly though about the module, but didn't consider it for removal. The http.server, xmlrpc.server, and logging configuration server are implemented on top of the socketserver. I don't want to remove the socketserver module without a suitable replacement for http.server in the standard library.
>     But http.server could be on the remove list too... it gets mighty
>     little support, has very little functionality, and implements a
>     CGI interface (although that also has very little functionality),
>     and you have the CGI tools on the remove list, rendering the CGI
>     interface implemented by http.server less easily usable.
>     Further, it doesn't directly support https:, and browsers are
>     removing/reducing support for http:.
>     I can't speak to xmlrpc or logging configuration.
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