Desarrollo Web.

Víctor R. Ruiz rvr en
Lun Mar 29 15:15:14 CEST 2004


El Lunes, 29 de Marzo de 2004 13:58, Marcos Sánchez Provencio tecleó:
> >¿Sistema de plantillas?

  Esta plataforma no la he probado, pero lo dejé pendiente de echar un vistazo 
porque usan el sistema de plantillas de Zope:

JOTWeb is a system for developing dynamic web applications using HTML and 
TAL/TALES/METAL for templating and Python for the programming. It integrates 
with the Apache web server using mod_python. It's goals are: 

Simple for a Python programmer to use. 

  - The programming is in Python and the presentation is in HTML and TAL. 
Python is in .py files, presentation is in .html files, and referencing 
between them is easy.
 - Much better for maintenance, in my experience. 
 - Cascading of objects allows sub-directories to easily inherit the look and 
feel of parents, while overriding directory-local parts. 
 - All JOTWeb related data is stored in the file-system. Use familiar tools 
such as CVS and your favorite editor. 
 - Good documentation. So far I've spent roughly equal amounts of time 
documenting and coding. 


Víctor R. Ruiz           | - Todos estos momentos se perderán |   como lágrimas en la lluvia

Más información sobre la lista de distribución Python-es