algun IDE decente?
hectorfh en
hectorfh en
Mie Ago 16 01:22:31 CEST 2006
Hola Nocreyente:
Siempre que llego del trabajo encuentro algún correo divertido :)
Sin embargo el tuyo fue uno de los pocos acertados. No simpatizo con
el inglés. No obstante quería aclara el orígen del término. Esta es la
definición que aparece en la wikipedia:
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The term quiche-eater, meaning a man who is effeminate or who lacks
some putative masculine virtue, is derived from the bestselling
tongue-in-cheek book on stereotypes about masculinity, Real Men Don't
Eat Quiche, by Bruce Feirstein, published in 1982.
The term survives in computer programming circles, where it means a
person far removed from practice and concerned only with academic
matters, unwilling to "get their hands dirty". Being humorous in
nature, it is usually a fairly mild insult.
It was popularised by the 1983 article Real Programmers Don't Use
Pascal. The article specifically accuses the creator of Pascal,
Niklaus Wirth, of being a "quiche eater", and is generally a
tongue-in-cheek bashing of the philosophy underlying Pascal (and by
extension, other high-level programming languages).
El artículo "Real Programmers Don't use Pascal", que hoy en día
debería llamarse "Real Programmers Don't use Java" :), lo pueden
encontrar aquí:
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