[Python-es] [ANN] 11ᵗʰ Advanced Scientific Programming in Python in Camerino, Italy, 3—8 September, 2018
Mario Alfonso Saucedo Gomez
msagom en gmail.com
Vie Mar 23 13:02:14 EDT 2018
Buenos días estimados,
Los links enviados no funcionan, una consulta este curso es de manera
presencial o virtual, se puede consultar los documentos de manera virtual.
Agradezco su tiempo e interés y quedo atento a sus comentarios.
Un saludo cordial.
*Mario Saucedo Gómez.*
2018-03-23 3:37 GMT-05:00 Francesc Alted <faltet en gmail.com>:
> Hola,
> Esta es la nueva convocatoria del curso gratuito de programación
> científica avanzada en Python que este año tendrá lugar en Camerino,
> Italia. A ver si os animáis y por favor, darle difusión al tema.
> Suerte!
> Francesc
> 11ᵗʰ Advanced Scientific Programming in Python
> ==============================================
> a Summer School by the G-Node and the University of Camerino
> https://python.g-node.org
> Scientists spend more and more time writing, maintaining, and debugging
> software. While techniques for doing this efficiently have evolved, only
> few scientists have been trained to use them. As a result, instead of doing
> their research, they spend far too much time writing deficient code and
> reinventing the wheel. In this course we will present a selection of
> advanced programming techniques and best practices which are standard in
> the industry, but especially tailored to the needs of a programming
> scientist. Lectures are devised to be interactive and to give the students
> enough time to acquire direct hands-on experience with the materials.
> Students will work in pairs throughout the school and will team up to
> practice the newly learned skills in a real programming project — an
> entertaining computer game.
> We use the Python programming language for the entire course. Python works
> as a simple programming language for beginners, but more importantly, it
> also works great in scientific simulations and data analysis. We show how
> clean language design, ease of extensibility, and the great wealth of open
> source libraries for scientific computing and data visualization are
> driving Python to become a standard tool for the programming scientist.
> This school is targeted at Master or PhD students and Post-docs from all
> areas of science. Competence in Python or in another language such as Java,
> C/C++, MATLAB, or Mathematica is absolutely required. Basic knowledge of
> Python and of a version control system such as git, subversion, mercurial,
> or bazaar is assumed. Participants without any prior experience with Python
> and/or git should work through the proposed introductory material before
> the course.
> We are striving hard to get a pool of students which is international and
> gender-balanced: see how far we got in previous years <
> https://python.g-node.org/wiki/archives#stats>!
> Date & Location
> ===============
> 3–8 September, 2018. Camerino, Italy.
> Application
> ===========
> You can apply online: https://python.g-node.org/wiki/applications
> Application deadline: 23:59 UTC, 31 May, 2018. There will be no deadline
> extension, so be sure to apply on time.
> Be sure to read the FAQ before applying: https://python.g-
> node.org/wiki/faq
> Participation is for free, i.e. no fee is charged! Participants however
> should take care of travel, living, and accommodation expenses by
> themselves.
> Program
> =======
> • Version control with git and how to contribute to open source projects
> with GitHub
> • Best practices in data visualization
> • Organizing, documenting, and distributing scientific code
> • Testing scientific code
> • Profiling scientific code
> • Advanced NumPy
> • Advanced scientific Python: decorators, context managers, generators,
> and elements of object oriented programming
> • Writing parallel applications in Python
> • Speeding up scientific code with Cython and numba
> • Memory-bound computations and the memory hierarchy
> • Programming in teams
> Also see the detailed day-by-day schedule: https://python.g-
> node.org/wiki/schedule
> Faculty
> =======
> • Ashwin Trikuta Srinath, Cyberinfrastructure Technology Integration,
> Clemson University, SC USA
> • Jenni Rinker, Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of
> Denmark, Roskilde Denmark
> • Juan Nunez-Iglesias, Melbourne Bioinformatics, University of Melbourne
> Australia
> • Nicolas P. Rougier, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, Institute of
> Neurodegenerative Disease, University of Bordeaux France
> • Pietro Berkes, NAGRA Kudelski, Lausanne Switzerland
> • Rike-Benjamin Schuppner, Institute for Theoretical Biology,
> Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Germany
> • Tiziano Zito, freelance consultant, Berlin Germany
> • Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek, Red Hat Inc., Warsaw Poland
> Organizers
> ==========
> For the German Neuroinformatics Node of the INCF (G-Node) Germany:
> • Tiziano Zito, freelance consultant, Berlin Germany
> • Caterina Buizza, Personal Robotics Lab, Imperial College London UK
> • Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek, Red Hat Inc., Warsaw Poland
> • Jakob Jordan, Department of Physiology, University of Bern, Switzerland
> Switzerland
> For the University of Camerino Italy:
> • Flavio Corradini, Computer Science Division, School of Science and
> Technology, University of Camerino Italy
> • Barbara Re, Computer Science Division, School of Science and Technology,
> University of Camerino Italy
> Website: https://python.g-node.org
> Contact: python-info en g-node.org
> --
> Francesc Alted
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