Several Python Community Events

Calloway, Chris cbc at
Wed Jun 5 21:14:37 CEST 2013


Wow. Thanks. I didn't realize the division between events and user group calendars were like that.

These events are 40-60 people. But they aren't user group meetings/sprints/hack nights per se. They are user group driven events. But at least two of them are part of conferences that are well over 100+ people. I would have thought without looking the criteria you just linked to that they would be straight up Python events. However, the criteria you cite makes them appear ambiguous to me.

They aren't internal events, I can say that. However, our user group doesn't host anything that could be considered an "internal" event. Everything we do is open to anyone.

I was going to send you some user group meeting and project night announcements separately, which I think clearly are user group calendar events. And the events I sent you under this subject line are clearly different from open user groups meetings or project nights to me. So I would say the criteria are ambiguous when applied to the events I sent you. The main event vs user group criteria as stated seems to be size. Yet there are user groups like NYC and Boston for whom their user group meetings are in excess of 100 people. And there are community events like the one I sent you which are less than 100 people.

Your call. But to me, they are Python community events, not open user group meetings. They are also all week long events. It seems to me that 40-60 people gathering in the name of Python for 5 days is more than just an ordinary user group event.

Thanks for all your wonderful help


Chris Calloway
UNC-CH Department of Marine Sciences
3313 Venable Hall, CB 3300
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3300
(919) 599-3530

From: M.-A. Lemburg [mal at]
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 2:51 PM
To: Calloway, Chris; events at
Subject: Re: Several Python Community Events

Hello Chris,

do these events meet the criteria for the events calendar ?

Marc-Andre Lemburg

Professional Python Services directly from the Source  (#1, Jun 05 2013)
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On 05.06.2013 17:57, Calloway, Chris wrote:
> Sirs (Hi Tarek!):
> I would like to see the following events, produced by the Triangle Python Users Group, added to the Python Events Calendar (rather than the user group calendar):
> PyOhio PyCamp 2013, July 22-26, 2013, Columbus, OH, USA,
> Python Web Programming Workshop, August 5-9, 2013, Chapel Hill, NC, USA,
> Toronto PyCamp 2013, August 12-16, 2013, Toronto, ON, CA,
> Seattle PyCamp 2013, September 9-13, 2013, Seattle, WA, USA,
> --
> Sincerely,
> Chris Calloway
> UNC-CH Department of Marine Sciences
> 3313 Venable Hall, CB 3300
> Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3300
> (919) 599-3530

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