PUG Hannover Meeting

Torsten Rottmann trott at meditec-gmbh.com
Wed May 29 16:32:39 CEST 2013

On behalf of the Python user group Hannover, I'm announcing
their next meeting on 5th. of June 2013 19:00
in Gruppo Ricambi Bielstein OHG, 31157 Sarstedt, Im Kichenfelde 6.

Homepage: http://www.python-hannover.de



Torsten Rottmann            Phone:   (+49)05063/9592-43
MediTec GmbH                Fax:        (+49)05063/9592-60
31162 Bad Salzdetfurth  E-Mail:  mailto:trott at meditec-gmbh.com
Griesbergstr. 1b-1c          visit:       http://www.meditec-gmbh.com
GF: O.Bleich                      HRB 1522, Amtsgericht Hildesheim
Steuernr.: 30|212|02227 U.-St.-Id.-Nr. DE115965901

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