Where to post stuff?

M.-A. Lemburg mal at python.org
Tue Oct 1 11:08:09 CEST 2013

On 01.10.2013 09:35, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> On 01.10.2013 09:31, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> On 01.10.2013 01:00, Richard Jones wrote:
>>> Just quickly, regarding the PyTennessee CFP I wasn't going to add that to
>>> the calendar since if we add a bunch of conference CFPs I think the
>>> calendar will get too cluttered.
>> The Google calendars should only list the events themselves,
>> not any extras like CFPs.
>> I've added a note to the calendar wiki page:
>> https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEventsCalendar#General_Requirements
>> For the news list on python.org, I think adding CFPs for larger events
>> is fine, but I can see that this can easily move more important news such
>> as new Python releases out of visibility - esp. since the new site
>> will only list a limited number of entries.

FYI: I've removed the PyTN CFP event from the calendar again.

>>> Hm, I just noticed the Melbourne user group comes up as 10AM. It's 6PM with
>>> the correct timezone in the calendar, but obviously the website display
>>> fixes the timezone to something else and translates the time. Ho hum.
>> Both calendars are set to use GMT as their native timezone.
>> When adding an event, you can set the timezone to a specific
>> location and Google will then store the corresponding GMT
>> time in the calendar. That may be more confusing than useful.
>> Perhaps there's something we could tweak to have it use
>> the browser timezone. The iframes explicitly list:
>> ctz=Europe%2FLondon
>> which according to https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/v2/reference
>> results in all events being listed in London time (not even
>> GMT, but also London summer time).
> Also see this thread:
> http://productforums.google.com/forum/?_escaped_fragment_=msg/calendar/oM9HZJpwN7E/YAdncNTcZxYJ#!msg/calendar/oM9HZJpwN7E/YAdncNTcZxYJ
> Looks like we'd have to add some JavaScript to make it happen,
> perhaps based on this:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1091372/getting-the-clients-timezone-in-javascript
> if the calendar query API supports using timezone strings that
> are not locations.
>> We might want to drop using timezones for such events
>> and only list the local times in the description.
>> What do you think ?
>>>      Richard
>>> On 1 October 2013 02:11, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at egenix.com> wrote:
>>>> On 30.09.2013 17:58, Skip Montanaro wrote:
>>>>> We now have three scrolls on the python.org front page, three Google
>>>>> Calendar-related ones in the sidebar, and the newsindex.yml one in the
>>>>> main section. This seems a little bit much to me. Shouldn't we cull
>>>>> some of these? For example, I just added the PyTN CFP item to the
>>>>> events calendar. Jason, the guy who requested it, said he didn't see
>>>>> the update. Then I realized he was looking in the middle of the page,
>>>>> not in the left-hand sidebar.
>>>>> What's the current policy about these various announcement options?
>>>> Our team only manages the user group and conference events
>>>> calendars (the two calendar widgets in the python.org sidebar
>>>> and the calendar on pycon.org).
>>>> We don't manage the newsindex.yml list which is show in the middle
>>>> of python.org.
>>>> The new site also separates the news from the calendars:
>>>> http://preview.python.org/
>>>> I think all these tools each reach a different audience, e.g.
>>>> I use the Google calendars as external calendars in my own calendar,
>>>> which is handy. The announcements on python.org is for people
>>>> visiting the site and ones subscribing to the RSS feed. Then
>>>> you have c.l.p.a which goes into the mail reader, etc.
>>>> These are all different channels to market news. A bit of replication
>>>> between these doesn't hurt, IMO. PR and marketing is generally a
>>>> lossy business ;-)
>>>> --
>>>> Marc-Andre Lemburg
>>>> eGenix.com
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>>>>    eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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Marc-Andre Lemburg
Python Software Foundation

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