[python-events] Python Conference Groningen, The Netherlands

Wouter Lansu wouter.lansu at paylogic.com
Mon Apr 28 14:52:57 CEST 2014


I'd like to add a recurring yearly conference to the Python Events
Calendar, namely: PyGrunn. As of this writing it is the largest yearly
Python conference in The Netherlands, celebrating it's 5th year this year.
The date is around the 2nd weekend in May every year, but it varies a

name: PyGrunn
type: Conference
focus: Mainly Python, but related languages, frameworks, etc. are also
welcome. Usually around 200 attendees.
location: ForumImages, Hereplein 73, 9711 GD Groningen, The Netherlands
date/time: 9th of May, 09:30 - 17:30 (UTC + 01:00)
link: www.pygrunn.org

If you need more information do not hesitate to reply to this email.


Wouter, Lansu

Software Engineer

E  wouter.lansu at paylogic. <wfrlansu at paylogic.com>com

T +31(0)88 7000 100

W <http://www.paylogic.eu/>www.paylogic.com <http://www.paylogic.eu/>
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