[python-events] PyCon Australia 2014

Chris Neugebauer chrisjrn at gmail.com
Wed Jan 15 00:22:08 CET 2014

 * Name of the event

PyCon Australia 2014

 * Type of the event (conference, bar camp, user group, etc)


 * Focus on Python and approximate size

It's a PyCon. 350-400 people.

 * URL


 * Location and country

Brisbane, Australia

 * Date and time (if relevant)

1--5 August 2014.

--Christopher Neugebauer

Jabber: chrisjrn at gmail.com -- IRC: chrisjrn on irc.freenode.net --
AIM: chrisjrn157 -- WWW: http://chris.neugebauer.id.au --
Twitter/Identi.ca: @chrisjrn

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