[python-events] NYC Python February headline events & Conference "For Python Quants"

James Powell james at dontusethiscode.com
Fri Jan 24 16:43:40 CET 2014

I wanted to add the following events to the pycon.org and python.org

I run NYC Python (www.nycpython.org) which is turning out to be one of
the most active Python user group in the world! The level of energy and
enthusiasm in NYC for Python is amazing!

We have office hours every Tuesday, study groups every Saturday and
Sunday, and we have two "headline" events (workshops/nights of talk for
~100 people) every other Thursday.

I'd like to list two of the upcoming, confirmed NYC Python "headline"
events for February.

name:      NYC Python PyData London Warm-up
type:      user group, night of talks
focus:     talks all explicitly Python-related
size:      ~200 people
url:       http://www.meetup.com/nycpython/events/159021512/
location:  AppNexus Auditorium, 4th Fl, 28 W 23rd St, NY, NY, 10010
date/time: Thursday, February 6, 2014, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

name:      NYC Python Project Night
type:      user group, workshop
focus:     projects all explicitly use Python (Flask, Django, &c.)
size:      ~100 people
url:       http://www.meetup.com/nycpython/events/159678372/
location:  Chartbeat Studios, 6th Fl, 826 Broadway, NY, NY, 10003
date/time: Thursday, February 20, 2014, 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

I would also like to add a one-day, all-day conference that I am running
independently of NYC Python on 14-Mar.

The keynote will be given by Kirat Singh, the formerly the head of
technology behind the JP Morgan Athena and Bank of America Quartz
projects (each ~10 million LoC, ~4,000 programmer, cross-business-unit
pure-Python systems.)

name:      Conference "for Python Quants"
type:      conference
focus:     talks all explicitly on finance&python theme
size:      ~200 people
url:       http://www.forpythonquants.com/
location:  Executive Conference Center, 8th Fl, 1601 Broadway, NY, NY, 10036
date/time: Friday, March 14, 2014, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM

James Powell

follow: @dontusethiscode + @nycpython + @pythonquants
attend: nycpython.org + flask-nyc.org + forpythonquants.com
read:   seriously.dontusethiscode.com

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