[python-events] PyCon JP event information

Takanori Suzuki takanori at pycon.jp
Wed Jun 25 11:29:14 CEST 2014

Dear administrator of Python Events Calendar,

We'd like to add our event(PyCon JP) in Python Events Calendar.

- the name of the event: PyCon JP 2014
- type of event: Conference with Tutorial and Sprint
- focus on Python and approximate size: 500
- the location: Aomi 2-2-1, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
- the dates/times: 2014 Sep 12(Fri)-16(Mon) JST
- a URL with more details for the event: <a
href="https://pycon.jp/2014/">PyCon JP 2014</a>

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Takanori Suzuki

鈴木たかのり / Takanori Suzuki
PyCon JP 2014 Chair

:mail: takanori at pycon.jp
:twitter: @takanory
:facebook: takanory.net
:web: http://2014.pycon.jp/
:blog: http://pyconjp.blogspot.com/

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