[python-events] Python Conference Groningen, The Netherlands

Richard Jones richard at python.org
Thu May 1 02:20:26 CEST 2014


On 28 April 2014 22:52, Wouter Lansu <wouter.lansu at paylogic.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to add a recurring yearly conference to the Python Events Calendar,
> namely: PyGrunn. As of this writing it is the largest yearly Python
> conference in The Netherlands, celebrating it's 5th year this year. The date
> is around the 2nd weekend in May every year, but it varies a little.
> name: PyGrunn
> type: Conference
> focus: Mainly Python, but related languages, frameworks, etc. are also
> welcome. Usually around 200 attendees.
> location: ForumImages, Hereplein 73, 9711 GD Groningen, The Netherlands
> date/time: 9th of May, 09:30 - 17:30 (UTC + 01:00)
> link: www.pygrunn.org
> If you need more information do not hesitate to reply to this email.
> --
> Wouter, Lansu
> Software Engineer
> E  wouter.lansu at paylogic.com
> T +31(0)88 7000 100
> W www.paylogic.com
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