[python-events] manage.py superuser issue

liuxun931 liuxun931 at 163.com
Thu Apr 23 06:48:46 CEST 2015


    I am a very beginner at Python. I use a vizio ct-14 notebook:  win8-64 +  python-3.5.0a3-amd64  + Django 1.8
When I learn Django byWriting your first Django app, part 2ΒΆ 
I find something wrong at step :  $ python manage.py createsuperuser
    # I can input superuser name.
    # While I input anything at superuser's e-mail (just like 'liuxun931 at gmail.com'), there comes up a full list of a errors.

Then I tried many times, always received same lists.
Later, I changed python3.5 to 3.4 lastest, and everything is ok. 

Liu Xun


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