[python-events] IndyPy events

Arin Anderson arin at sixfeetup.com
Tue Feb 3 23:16:00 CET 2015

Good afternoon, 

We wanted to submit a monthly recurring event from the IndyPy group here in Indianapolis.

* name of the event: IndyPy Monthly Meetup

 * type of event: user group meeting

 * focus on Python: yes; This month Chris Beelby will expand on the open source license discussion from last month's fish bowl. The focus will be on key differences that distinguish one license from another. Attendees will gain insights into why one license might make more sense over another in certain situations.

 * approximate number of attendees: 30

 * location: Speak Easy 5255 Winthrop Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46220

 * dates/times/recurrence: 2nd Tuesday of every month. Next event will be Feb. 10th. 

 * URL: http://www.meetup.com/python-182/

Thank you for your attention to this event and please let me know if there are any questions! 

Arin Anderson
Master Scheduler
Six Feet Up, Inc. | Where sophisticated web projects thrive
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