[python-events] [PSF-Members] PythonFOSDEM 2015 - Selected Talks
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at egenix.com
Mon Jan 5 16:17:19 CET 2015
Added. Thanks.
On 03.01.2015 02:57, =?utf-8?q?St=C3=A9phane?= Wirtel wrote:
> Hi all,
> We are really proud to announce the official listing for the selected talks of the PythonFOSDEM 2015
> (during the FOSDEM 2015 : https://fosdem.org/2015/).
> This year, it's a real surprise for us, firstly we received 42 proposals for this edition 2015
> and secondly, we move to a bigger room with 200 seats.
> You are cordially invited to this PythonFOSDEM 2015.
> The room is H.1301 with a capacity of 200 seats.
> The event will start at 09:00 AM (local) and will finish at 06:00 PM.
> We think to propose a Ligthning Talk Session of one hour.
> Here is the talks of this year.
> * 09:00 - TaskFlow: State Management Framework
> by Vishal Yadav
> * 09:30 - Lea, a probability engine in Python Probabilities made easy!
> by Pierre Denis
> * 10:00 - Dive into Scrapy
> by Juan Riaza
> * 10:30 - Mercurial, with real python bites
> by Pierre-Yves David
> * 11:00 - python-prompt-toolkit / ptpython
> by Jonathan Slenders
> * 11:30 - Federation and Python webapps
> by Christopher Webber
> * 12:00 - Let's build a spreadsheet app in Python
> by Harry Percival
> * 12:30 - PDB is your friend
> by Raul Cumplido Dominguez
> * 14:00 - Customize Gunicorn for your own business.
> by Benoit Chesneau
> * 14:30 - Python, WebRTC and you
> by Saùl Ibarra Corretgé
> * 15:00 - When performance matters ...
> by Marc-André Lemburg
> * 15:30 - Gradual Typing in Python
> by Alejandro Gomez
> * 16:00 - Knowing your garbage collector
> by Francisco Fernàndez Castano
> * 16:30 - RedBaron a bottom up approach to refactoring in python
> by Laurent Peuch
> * 17:00 - Extending Python, what is the best option for me?
> by Francisco Fernàndez Castano
> * 17:30 - PyPy and the future of the Python ecosystem
> by Romain Guillebert
> You can find this list on the site of FOSDEM: https://fosdem.org/2015/schedule/track/python/
> and on the site of PythonFOSDEM.
> Of course, after the talks, there will be a dinner in a restaurant of Brussels with the Python
> Community, here is the link to the doodle [1] for the subscription to the dinner.
> We need to know the exact numbers for the restaurant. So, please, could you subscribe as soon as
> possible and try to be present for the dinner.
> Thank you a lot for your patience and Thank you for the proposals.
> [1] http://doodle.com/ngdeesgbr6dcx3f5
> --
> Stéphane Wirtel - http://wirtel.be - @matrixise
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Marc-Andre Lemburg
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