[python-events] Event submission: PythonCamp Cologne

Christopher Arndt chris at chrisarndt.de
Wed Jan 14 16:56:52 CET 2015

Please add the following event:

 * name of the event: PythonCamp Cologne
 * type of event: BarCamp / Un-conference
 * focus on Python: yes, all levels
 * approximate number of attendees: 70
 * location:

GFU Cyrus AG
Am Grauen Stein 27
51105 Köln

 * dates/times/recurrence: 28.03.2015 - 29.03.2015
 * URL: <a href="http://pythoncamp.de/">PythonCamp Cologne</a>


Christopher Arndt
PythonCamp Organising Team
chris.arndt at pycologne.de

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