[python-events] Event Submission on Python.org events page

Shashank Roy shashank at hackerearth.com
Fri Jul 31 10:10:21 CEST 2015


Please find the details of the Djangothon being conducted to celebrate 10
years of Django

 * Name of the event: Djangothon * Type of event: Sprint ( App-a-thon
) * Focus on Python: Yes  * Approximate number of attendees: 120  *
Location (incl. country): Bangalore, India * Dates/times/recurrence
(incl. time zone): 22nd August, 12:00 PM - 12:00 PM (IST), +5:30 GMT

* URL: <a href="https://www.hackerearth.com/djangothon/">Djangothon</a>

Looking forward to be listed on the events page.


*Shashank Roy*

*Community Manager*

*E: shashank at hackerearth.com <shashank at hackerearth.com> *
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