[python-events] Python community events in Dublin (Ireland)

M.-A. Lemburg mal at python.org
Wed Mar 4 23:43:44 CET 2015

On 04.03.2015 23:40, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> On 03.03.2015 23:58, Vicky Twomey-Lee - Python Ireland wrote:
>> Hey!
>> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 10:33 PM, M.-A. Lemburg <mal at python.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Vicky,
>>> I'd like to add these events as recurring events, but the
>>> titles appear to be only for March.
>> The generic titles are there, the titles are only modified as we confirm
>> each month. It's fine if you leave it as "Python Ireland Meetup".
> Ok.
>>  [image: Inline image 1]
>>> Could you resend these using a more generic approach to the
>>> naming and location or is this not possible ?
>> The locations are not confirmed every month, it depends on where and who
>> can host us for a particular month. The PyIE committee are working on
>> getting a regular venue (that doesn't change) even if it means paying for
>> it. But it's nice to change locations sometimes and check out what offices
>> are like in other companies.
> Ok, I'll add the March 11 event now.

Added. Thanks :-)

> Please post the April events with at least two weeks notice,
> if possible.
>>> Also, the PyLadies event seems to be duplicated (both on March 3rd).
>> PyLadies Dublin March event just happened this evening. I don't see dups
>> for March 3rd, our next one is Tue April 21st -
>> http://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesDublin/events/220716616/
> You posted two events:
>>>> dates/times/recurrence:
>>>> Tue Mar 3rd / 18:00 - 20:00 / Monthly
>>>> URL:
>>>> <a href="http://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesDublin/events/220646882/
>>> ">PyLadies
>>>> Dublin at TCD's International Womens Week</a>
> and
>>>> dates/times/recurrence:
>>>> Tue Mar 3rd / 18:00 - 21:00 / Monthly
>>>> URL:
>>>> <a href="http://www.meetup.com/PyLadiesDublin/events/220716616/
>>> ">PyLadies
>>>> Dublin @ Wayra</a>
> both for the same date/time, but apparently different in location.
>> I can't do re-occuring as I can't predict if we are having it on the same
>> day each month (for now), e.g.  this month got moved because we were
>> clashing with St. Patrick's Day (national holiday), and it's International
>> Women's Week this week and we were invited to run a special event this
>> month).
>> Normally it's the 3rd Tuesday of each month, but it's not guaranteed.
>> Re-occuring events created on meetup.com might be considered in the near
>> future but we are also figuring out how to increase numbers in attendance.
>> It was very low in Jan and I was considering doing it bi-monthly to give
>> myself some slack, but we have figured a structure and I have at least 2
>> champions who can be there if I'm not around. So it's wait and see for the
>> next 3-4 meetups and see how our new format is working out.
> :-)
> For our Python meeting in Düsseldorf, we run quarterly events.
> It gives everyone more time to prepare interesting talks and
> has so far worked great.
> Cheers,

Marc-Andre Lemburg
Python Software Foundation

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