[python-events] Open Data Science Conference (Boston, May 30-31)

James Powell james at dontusethiscode.com
Thu Mar 12 20:49:02 CET 2015

Hi, folks!

Excited to be announcing another upcoming (Python and R) data science event!

Could y'all add the following event to the pycon.org and python.org 
calendars? Thanks!

James Powell


name:      Open Data Science Conference
type:      data science conference
focus:     open source data science with Python and R
size:      ~1000 people
url:       http://opendatascicon.com
location:  Boston, Massachusetts
address:   Boston Convention Center, 415 Summer St, Boston, MA 02210
date/time: all-day, May 30-31, 2015

The Open Data Science Conference is an event dedicated to bringing 
together the best minds in open source data science across the Python 
and R (& Julia!) communities! We have an impressive line-up of speakers 
from the Python community, including Lynn Root, Kenneth Reitz, Wes 
McKinney, Gaƫl Varoquaux, and more! Visit http://opendatascicon.com for 
more details!

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