[python-events] GTU Python User Group, Ahmedabad Event Listing

Manoranjan Padhy manoranjan.113 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 29 08:03:09 CEST 2015


We are organizing a two day workshop on Getting Started With Python and
wish to get it listed so as to reach more interested attendees for the
same. Below are the event details.

*Name of Event:* Being Pyooneers by GTU Python User Group

*Type of Event:* Two Day Workshop

*Focus on Python:* Starting Python from scratch, Discussing about various
libraries of Python. Focussing on Python WebFrameWorks like Django, Flask
and also CherryPy. A short coding session to built any app and push it on

*Approximate Number of Attendees :* 150

*Location: *Building 6, GTU, LD Campus, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. India

*Date and Time:* 11th April, 10:00 to 17:00 IST.
                           12th April, 10:00 to 17:00 IST.

*Event URL:* <a href="*http://www.meetup.com/gtupython/
<http://www.meetup.com/gtupython/>*" target="_blank"> Being Pyooners </a>

Looking forward to get it listed. :)

*Manoranjan Padhy*
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