[python-events] Please add a Django Girls event in Mexico City

Django Girls Mexico City mexicocity at djangogirls.org
Fri Jan 15 03:49:18 EST 2016


Please add the following event:
 * Django Girls Ciudad de México
 * Free Workshop / user group meeting
 * focus on Python and Django
 * approximate number of attendees: 60
 * location : Nearsoft Roma Norte, Cuauthemoc, Mexico City
 * 26-27 Febrero 2016 all-day 
 * URL: <a href="https://djangogirls.org/mexicocity/ <https://djangogirls.org/mexicocity/>“>Django Girls Ciudad de México</a>
Thanks in advance,

Oswaldo Herrera
@Nearsoft @DjangoGirlsMX

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