[python-events] new events

Ella Quimica ellaquimica at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 17:58:01 EDT 2016

Please add the following event:

* name of the event: 2da Meetup Python Ecuador
* type of event: meetup
* focus on Python: begginer - intermediate
* approximate number of attendees: 30
* location: Cuenca, Ecuador
* dates/times/recurrence: April 09 from 10:00 AM to 12 PM GMT-5
* URL: <a href="http://bit.ly/2da-meetup-python-ecuador
<http://argentinaenpython.com.ar/django-girls-cuenca/>">2da Meetup
Python Ecuador</a>

Johanna Sanchez Vallejo
Co-piloto del Proyecto Argentina en Python
Creadora del Proyecto Química & Nómada
Móvil Ecuador: 0967334048 Claro
ellaquimica at gmail.com
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