[python-events] Regarding the current add method
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at egenix.com
Fri Nov 4 14:15:49 EDT 2016
On 04.11.2016 18:51, Filipe Cifali wrote:
> Hello, my name is Filipe and I'm the a board member of APyB(brazilian
> python user association).
> Can you share with me the workflow you guys use to add events to the Python
> Event Calendar?
> Seems very much like a manual job based on e-mails and relying on much work
> (https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEventsCalendar#Submitting_an_Event)
> We currently maintain this website: http://python.org.br/eventos (it's
> pt-br only but you can get the idea) and the way we "accept" new entries is
> via Pull Request on the website repository:
> https://github.com/pythonbrasil/wiki/
> Our idea would be to scrap the pycon.org list to update our website easier,
> but seems like this work for you guys is very manual where it may or may
> not be (e-mails seems heavily reliant on user input and manual work).
Yes, it works based on emails, since that's easiest way to get
people to submit entries.
PR, issue trackers, etc. would introduce an extra level of
indirection which would result in fewer events being submitted.
The entries also need to be screened for validity, a choice of
calendar has to be made and a check for duplicates/completeness
of the information is necessary. It's easier to do this manually
than trying to come up with a foolproof automated AI system :-)
BTW: I'm not sure what you mean with "scrape the pycon.org list".
You can access the event listings using iCal as described on the
wiki page.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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