[python-events] Please Add Chennaipy - User Group Meeting

Narendran Solai Sridharan narendran.ss at gmail.com
Wed Oct 5 23:22:08 EDT 2016


Please add the following event:

 * name of the event: Chennaipy
 * type of event: User Group Meeting
 * focus on Python: General Focus on Python
 * approximate number of attendees: 40-60
 * location (incl. country): Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
 * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 22-Oct-2016, 15:00 - 18:00
 * URL: <a href="*https://www.meetup.com/Chennaipy/events/234639862/

Thanks and Regards,
Narendran, S S
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