[python-events] Meetup PythonPy

Marcelo Elizeche Landó marce at melizeche.com
Thu Aug 24 12:42:13 EDT 2017

Please add the following event:

  * name of the event: PythonPy Meetup Agosto 2017
  * type of event: User Group Meetup
  * focus on Python: Members experiences about Python in production and 
Python as Civic Electoral Technology.
  * approximate number of attendees: 20
  * location (incl. country): Asunción, Paraguay
  * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 2017-08-28, 19:00 (GMT-4)
  * link: <a 
Meetup Agosto 2017</a>

Marcelo Elizeche Landó

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