[python-events] [PSF-Board] PSF Board Resolution Notification - Read, Write & Code, Akowonjo, Nigeria
Betsy Waliszewski
betsy at python.org
Fri Dec 8 16:17:12 EST 2017
Hi Oluwatobi,
Thank you for the update on your program. Congratulations on a successful
event! We're looking forward to hearing about how your one-month Python
training goes.
On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 3:59 PM, <info at teenscancode.com.ng> wrote:
> Hello,
> On behalf of Teens Can Code and the Teens Code Conference organizing
> committee, THANK YOU for being a generous sponsor of The READ, WRITE and
> CODE project, which is in two phases, The Conference and The One Month
> Training.
> With your support the first phase which is the conference reached over
> 1,000 teenagers in the community, making it the largest gathering of
> teenagers in Nigeria for a technology event. We had over 300 students in an
> overflow hall participating, we didn't plan for the overflow but the
> students kept coming in hundreds even after the main hall was packed out,
> the hall got full long before the start time of 9am. We also had a
> technology quiz competition and we presented the winner with a brand new
> laptop. The conference was also featured on a national TV(TVC). The
> conference held on 1st November, 2017.
> We have attached here in this mail some pictures from the conference and
> will share a link with you soon for more pictures. We have also attached in
> this mail a post conference report featured on ThisDay News Paper a leading
> News paper in Nigeria. We also had the event featured on DailySun another
> leading NewsPaper in Nigeria.
> And as a way of saying thank you to PSF, we had the PSF logo on all
> publicity materials, stage backdrop and red carpet backdrop, we had on gift
> items, we have also attached a photograph of some of the gift items with
> the PSF logo.
> We couldn't have done it without the support of PSF.
> We look forward to an impact-full One month training on Python, which
> begins this 18th November to 17th December, 2017.
> Most Sincerely,
> Oluwatobi Shobayo,
> Head of Operations/Admin
> Teens Can Code
> On 2017-10-20 08:50, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> Hello,
>> please use our email template for submitting events:
>> https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEventsCalendar#Submitting_an_Event
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Marc-Andre Lemburg
>> eGenix.com
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>> http://www.egenix.com/company/contact/
>> On 20.10.2017 10:29, StDamian Isaac wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> We would like to have our Conference and Training program added to the
>>> Python.org/events page.
>>> Kindly Find Event Details As Follows:
>>> Teens Code Conference (Read, Write and Code) - 1st November, 2017
>>> (www.teenscodeconference.org.ng)
>>> Python Kids Coding Camp - 15th November to 15th December 2017
>>> (www.teenscancode.com.ng)
>>> Ejigbo, Lagos, Nigeria.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Damian Isaac
>>> Teens Can Code
>>> www.teenscancode.com.ng
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* StDamian Isaac <askdamian at hotmail.com>
>>> *Sent:* Friday, October 13, 2017 8:16:25 PM
>>> *To:* Phyllis Dobbs
>>> *Cc:* info at teenscancode.com.ng; Betsy Waliszewski; psf at python.org
>>> *Subject:* Re: [PSF-Board] PSF Board Resolution Notification - Read,
>>> Write & Code, Akowonjo, Nigeria
>>> Hi Phyllis,
>>> We got a notification from our bank regarding the fund.
>>> We are glad to receive the fund and we would like to reassure you that
>>> the fund will be used for the purpose for which it was granted.
>>> Thank you so much PSF.
>>> Damian Isaac
>>> Research/Innovations
>>> Teens Can Code
>>> Get Outlook for Android <https://aka.ms/ghei36>
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> *From:* Phyllis Dobbs <phyllis at python.org>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:45:30 PM
>>> *To:* StDamian Isaac
>>> *Cc:* info at teenscancode.com.ng
>>> *Subject:* Re: [PSF-Board] PSF Board Resolution Notification - Read,
>>> Write & Code, Akowonjo, Nigeria
>>> Hello, Isaac,
>>> On Tuesday, we wired your account $1,250 USD for the Read, Write & Code
>>> Kids Coding Camp in Akowonjo, Nigeria from November 15-December 15,
>>> 2017; you should receive the funds within a week. Please let me know
>>> if you have any questions!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Phyllis A. Dobbs
>>> Controller
>>> Python Software Foundation
>>> On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 12:11 PM, StDamian Isaac <askdamian at hotmail.com
>>> <mailto:askdamian at hotmail.com>> wrote:
>>> On behalf of Teens Can Code, I would like to sincerely thank you for
>>> accepting our grant proposal.
>>> We would be sending you some of our publicity materials in few days
>>> which would include PSF logo.
>>> Pls find below the information requested, The invoice is attached in
>>> this mail.
>>> Read, Write & Code Kids Coding Camp happening in Akowonjo, Nigeria.
>>> From 15th November to 15th December, 2017.
>>> $1,250 USD
>>> Disbursement: Wire
>>> US intermediary SWIFT code: GTBINGLA
>>> Bank Name: Guarantee Trust Bank (GTBank)
>>> Bank Address (Isolo Road, Aiye Bus Stop, Isolo, Lagos, Nigeria.)
>>> Account number: 0136873836
>>> Account beneficiary: SkyOne Media Company
>>> Account beneficiary's postal address: 82 Dopemu Road, Agege, Lagos.
>>> Nigeria
>>> <https://maps.google.com/?q=82+Dopemu+Road,+Agege,+Lagos.+Ni
>>> geria&entry=gmail&source=g>.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Isaac Damian Ezirim
>>> Teens Can Code
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ------------
>>> *From:* Betsy Waliszewski <betsy at python.org <mailto:betsy at python.org
>>> >>
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, October 3, 2017 2:36:44 PM
>>> *To:* askdamian at hotmail.com <mailto:askdamian at hotmail.com>
>>> *Cc:* psf at python.org <mailto:psf at python.org>; Phyllis Dobbs;
>>> info at teenscancode.com.ng <mailto:info at teenscancode.com.ng>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [PSF-Board] PSF Board Resolution Notification - Read,
>>> Write & Code, Akowonjo, Nigeria
>>> Hi Isaac,
>>> We are pleased to inform you of the PSF's decision to grant $1,250
>>> USD to the Read, Write & Code Kids Coding Camp happening in
>>> Akowonjo, Nigeria. Please note, this is a revised amount from your
>>> original request based on the details provided and our policy for
>>> events.
>>> Please see the resolution was approved on October 3, 2017:
>>> RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation Grants Work Group
>>> grant $1,250 USD to the Read, Write & Code Kids Coding Camp
>>> happening in Akowonjo, Nigeria November 15 - December 15, 2017
>>> *Reporting: *
>>> After the event, the board & grants workgroup require a follow-up
>>> report emailed to psf at python.org <mailto:psf at python.org>. If there
>>> will be pictures, please share them and we can possibly discuss
>>> doing a blog post after the event. If you have any further questions
>>> on this, please do not hesitate to ask.
>>> *PSF logo and description:*
>>> Here you can find our logo and official description for your event
>>> website and/or conference printed material:
>>> https://wiki.python.org/psf/PSF%20Press%20Kit
>>> <https://wiki.python.org/psf/PSF%20Press%20Kit>.
>>> *Events Page:*
>>> Please contact events at python.org <mailto:events at python.org> to have
>>> your Python conference added to https://www.python.org/events/
>>> -------------------------------
>>> *Grant Instructions*
>>> Please send an invoice to our Controller (cc'ed) according to her
>>> instructions:
>>> By email attachment: “Phyllis Dobbs“ <phyllis at python.org
>>> <mailto:phyllis at python.org>>
>>> By fax: 858-712-8966 <tel:%28858%29%20712-8966>
>>> By postal mail:
>>> Python Software Foundation
>>> PO Box 37
>>> Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896-0037
>>> USA
>>> The invoice should include:
>>> Name and address of the recipient
>>> Date of the invoice
>>> Description of the grant (i.e. Django Girls Workshop in ABC town)
>>> Amount of the grant and currency
>>> Form of payment desired: check, PayPal, or wire
>>> - Checks: In the US, checks are preferred for amounts less than
>>> $500.
>>> - PayPal: For payments of $2000 or less, please include a PayPal
>>> address, if available.
>>> - For wire payments, please include banking details:
>>> For a US Bank: Routing number
>>> For a non-US Bank: SWIFT Code of the beneficiary's bank and SWIFT
>>> code for the United States' intermediary bank.
>>> Bank Name
>>> Bank Address (bank branch where account is located)
>>> Account number (or IBAN, if available)
>>> Account beneficiary (exact name on account per bank)
>>> Account beneficiary's postal address (must match bank records)
>>> For questions regarding payment, please contact Phyllis Dobbs
>>> directly (she is cc'ed in on this email).
>>> ----------------------------------------------
>>> Best Regards,
>>> Betsy
>>> On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 11:34 AM, psf at python.org
>>> <mailto:psf at python.org> <psf at psfmember.org
>>> <mailto:psf at psfmember.org>> wrote:
>>> Submitted on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 - 19:34
>>> Submitted by user: Damian Isaac
>>> Submitted values are:
>>> ==Contact Information==
>>> Existing Contact: Isaac Ezirim
>>> Legal First Name: Isaac
>>> Legal Last Name: Ezirim
>>> Nickname:
>>> Email: askdamian at hotmail.com <mailto:askdamian at hotmail.com>
>>> City: Akowonjo
>>> Country: Nigeria
>>> State/Province/Region: LA
>>> Region Other:
>>> Postal Code: 23401
>>> ==Organization Information==
>>> Organization Name: Teens Can Code
>>> Organization Email: info at teenscancode.com.ng
>>> <mailto:info at teenscancode.com.ng>
>>> Website: http://www.teenscancode.com.ng
>>> Twitter Handle: http://www.twitter.com/teenscancode
>>> <http://www.twitter.com/teenscancode>
>>> ==Proposal Information==
>>> Grant Type: Kids Coding Camp
>>> Grant Title: Read, Write & Code
>>> Objective:
>>> Our aim is to use coding as the catalyst that can take teenagers
>>> from
>>> low-income areas and turn them into tech leaders using python
>>> programming
>>> language.
>>> Our organization organizes a large scale technology conference
>>> in different
>>> communities in Nigeria known as The Teens Code Conference.
>>> We have our next conference coming up on 1st November, 2017 in
>>> Ejigbo Local
>>> Government Area of Lagos Nigeria. It will gather up to 1,000
>>> teenagers from
>>> various Secondary School in the community.
>>> After the conference we would select upto 50students ages
>>> 10-18years to be
>>> trained on Python programing language for a period of 1month.
>>> Which will
>>> start on 15th November - 15th December 2017.
>>> We hope to receive funds before the 25th of October, because we
>>> would be
>>> announcing the program at the conference on 1st November.
>>> Grant Amount: $2,500 Total ($1000 Training venue for 1month,
>>> $500 Snacks for
>>> Kids for 1month training and stipends for 3 Python volunteer
>>> developers, $500
>>> for PR, Tshirts, logistics and alternative power supply, $300 to
>>> support
>>> conference materials, $200 for other expenditures. ) To thank
>>> you for your
>>> sponsorship, we will place the PSF logo on our organization
>>> website and on
>>> the conference website, we would also place the PSF logo on all
>>> print and
>>> publication materials to be distributed at the conference and
>>> during the
>>> 1month training. There'll also be opportunity to talk about
>>> Python
>>> programming at the conference. PSF may also send a
>>> representative to speak at
>>> the conference.
>>> Beneficiaries:
>>> The conference will gather up to 1,000 teenagers on 1st
>>> November, 2017.
>>> The 1month programming will train up to 50 teenagers(Boys &
>>> Girls)
>>> Follow-up activities: The conference will be adequately covered
>>> and emphasis
>>> will be on the 1month training. Pictures and videos of the
>>> 1month training
>>> will be sent to PSF, we would also create a web page to showcase
>>> the 1month
>>> program and the projects built by students after the training.
>>> Disbursement: Wire
>>> US intermediary SWIFT code: GTBINGLA
>>> ==Other==
>>> Additional Attachments:
>>> https://psfmember.org/sites/psfmember.org/files/webform/Teen
>>> s%20Can%20Code%20PSF.pdf
>>> <https://psfmember.org/sites/psfmember.org/files/webform/Tee
>>> ns%20Can%20Code%20PSF.pdf>
>>> Link to Code of Conduct:
>>> http://teenscancode.com.ng/about-teens-can-code.html
>>> <http://teenscancode.com.ng/about-teens-can-code.html>
>>> The results of this submission may be viewed at:
>>> https://psfmember.org/node/2/submission/79
>>> <https://psfmember.org/node/2/submission/79>
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> PSF-Board mailing list
>>> PSF-Board at python.org <mailto:PSF-Board at python.org>
>>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/psf-board
>>> <https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/psf-board>
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> python-events mailing list
>>> python-events at python.org
>>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-events
>>> Calendar wiki page: https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonEventsCalendar
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