[python-events] Python Meet Up In Effurun, Nigeria

OGAGA ONOSE onoseogaga at gmail.com
Fri Nov 17 18:43:21 EST 2017

Hello, please add the quoted text below about our first meetup in Effurun,
Nigeria to the Python event page at https://www.python.org/events/

"The first Python Nigeria Meetup in Effurun, Nigeria comes up on Saturday
November 25, 2017 and the time is 10:30am prompt. Venue is Kamit Schools,
Nnewi street, off Refinery road Effurun, Nigeria. Focus would be on Python
Programming for Beginners. Topics to be treated are:
1. The Awesomeness of Regular Expressions with Python,
2.File handling Cheat Sheet In Python, and
3.How Does PostgreSQL Fits Within the Python Stack.
Speakers are Stephen Gabriel from Benin-Nigeria, Fredrick Ughimi from
Portharcourt-Nigeria, and Anthony Emmanuel C. from Ekpoma-Nigeria. If you
find yourself around Effurun during this period please do well to attend as
there will be refreshment for all and this is an opportunity to network
with other Pythonistas. Seeing you in Effurun, Nigeria".

Thank you,
Onose Oghenevwogaga.
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