[python-events] [PSF-Board] PSF Board Resolution Notification - Read, Write & Code, Akowonjo, Nigeria

StDamian Isaac askdamian at hotmail.com
Fri Oct 20 03:29:22 EDT 2017


We would like to have our Conference and Training program added to the Python.org/events page.

Kindly Find Event Details As Follows:

Teens Code Conference (Read, Write and Code) - 1st November, 2017 (www.teenscodeconference.org.ng)

Python Kids Coding Camp - 15th November to 15th December 2017 (www.teenscancode.com.ng)

Ejigbo, Lagos, Nigeria.

Thank you,

Damian Isaac

Teens Can Code


From: StDamian Isaac <askdamian at hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 8:16:25 PM
To: Phyllis Dobbs
Cc: info at teenscancode.com.ng; Betsy Waliszewski; psf at python.org
Subject: Re: [PSF-Board] PSF Board Resolution Notification - Read, Write & Code, Akowonjo, Nigeria

Hi Phyllis,

We got a notification from our bank regarding the fund.

We are glad to receive the fund and we would like to reassure you that the fund will be used for the purpose for which it was granted.

Thank you so much PSF.

Damian Isaac
Teens Can Code

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From: Phyllis Dobbs <phyllis at python.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 4:45:30 PM
To: StDamian Isaac
Cc: info at teenscancode.com.ng
Subject: Re: [PSF-Board] PSF Board Resolution Notification - Read, Write & Code, Akowonjo, Nigeria

Hello, Isaac,

On Tuesday, we wired your account $1,250 USD for the Read, Write & Code Kids Coding Camp in Akowonjo, Nigeria from November 15-December 15, 2017; you should receive the funds within a week.   Please let me know if you have any questions!


Phyllis A. Dobbs
Python Software Foundation

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 12:11 PM, StDamian Isaac <askdamian at hotmail.com<mailto:askdamian at hotmail.com>> wrote:

On behalf of Teens Can Code, I would like to sincerely thank you for accepting our grant proposal.

We would be sending you some of our publicity materials in few days which would include PSF logo.

Pls find below the information requested, The invoice is attached in this mail.


Read, Write & Code Kids Coding Camp happening in Akowonjo, Nigeria.
>From 15th November to 15th December, 2017.

$1,250 USD

Disbursement: Wire
US intermediary SWIFT code: GTBINGLA
Bank Name: Guarantee Trust Bank (GTBank)
Bank Address (Isolo Road, Aiye Bus Stop, Isolo, Lagos, Nigeria.)
Account number: 0136873836
Account beneficiary: SkyOne Media Company
Account beneficiary's postal address: 82 Dopemu Road, Agege, Lagos. Nigeria<https://maps.google.com/?q=82+Dopemu+Road,+Agege,+Lagos.+Nigeria&entry=gmail&source=g>.

Thank you,

Isaac Damian Ezirim

Teens Can Code

From: Betsy Waliszewski <betsy at python.org<mailto:betsy at python.org>>
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 2:36:44 PM
To: askdamian at hotmail.com<mailto:askdamian at hotmail.com>
Cc: psf at python.org<mailto:psf at python.org>; Phyllis Dobbs; info at teenscancode.com.ng<mailto:info at teenscancode.com.ng>
Subject: Re: [PSF-Board] PSF Board Resolution Notification - Read, Write & Code, Akowonjo, Nigeria

Hi Isaac,

We are pleased to inform you of the PSF's decision to grant $1,250 USD to the Read, Write & Code Kids Coding Camp happening in Akowonjo, Nigeria. Please note, this is a revised amount from your original request based on the details provided and our policy for events.

Please see the resolution was approved on October 3, 2017:

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation Grants Work Group grant $1,250 USD to the Read, Write & Code Kids Coding Camp happening in Akowonjo, Nigeria November 15 - December 15, 2017

After the event, the board & grants workgroup require a follow-up report emailed to psf at python.org<mailto:psf at python.org>. If there will be pictures, please share them and we can possibly discuss doing a blog post after the event. If you have any further questions on this, please do not hesitate to ask.

PSF logo and description:
Here you can find our logo and official description for your event website and/or conference printed material: https://wiki.python.org/psf/PSF%20Press%20Kit.

Events Page:
Please contact events at python.org<mailto:events at python.org> to have your Python conference added to https://www.python.org/events/

Grant Instructions

Please send an invoice to our Controller (cc'ed) according to her instructions:
By email attachment: “Phyllis Dobbs“ <phyllis at python.org<mailto:phyllis at python.org>>
By fax: 858-712-8966<tel:(858)%20712-8966>
By postal mail:
Python Software Foundation
PO Box 37
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896-0037

The invoice should include:
    Name and address of the recipient
    Date of the invoice
    Description of the grant (i.e. Django Girls Workshop in ABC town)
  Amount of the grant and currency
    Form of payment desired: check, PayPal, or wire
- Checks:  In the US, checks are preferred for amounts less than $500.
- PayPal:  For payments of $2000 or less, please include a PayPal address, if available.
- For wire payments, please include banking details:
For a US Bank:  Routing number
For a non-US Bank:  SWIFT Code of the beneficiary's bank and SWIFT code for the United States' intermediary bank.

Bank Name
Bank Address (bank branch where account is located)
Account number (or IBAN, if available)
Account beneficiary (exact name on account per bank)
Account beneficiary's postal address  (must match bank records)

For questions regarding payment, please contact Phyllis Dobbs directly (she is cc'ed in on this email).

Best Regards,


On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 11:34 AM, psf at python.org<mailto:psf at python.org> <psf at psfmember.org<mailto:psf at psfmember.org>> wrote:
Submitted on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 - 19:34
Submitted by user: Damian Isaac
Submitted values are:

   ==Contact Information==
     Existing Contact: Isaac Ezirim
     Legal First Name: Isaac
     Legal Last Name: Ezirim
     Email: askdamian at hotmail.com<mailto:askdamian at hotmail.com>
     City: Akowonjo
     Country: Nigeria
     State/Province/Region: LA
     Region Other:
     Postal Code: 23401

   ==Organization Information==
     Organization Name: Teens Can Code
     Organization Email: info at teenscancode.com.ng<mailto:info at teenscancode.com.ng>
     Website: http://www.teenscancode.com.ng
     Twitter Handle: http://www.twitter.com/teenscancode

==Proposal Information==
Grant Type: Kids Coding Camp
Grant Title: Read, Write & Code
Our aim is to use coding as the catalyst that can take teenagers from
low-income areas and turn them into tech leaders using python programming
Our organization organizes a large scale technology conference in different
communities in Nigeria known as The Teens Code Conference.
We have our next conference coming up on 1st November, 2017 in Ejigbo Local
Government Area of Lagos Nigeria. It will gather up to 1,000 teenagers from
various Secondary School in the community.
After the conference we would select upto 50students ages 10-18years to be
trained on Python programing language for a period of 1month. Which will
start on 15th November - 15th December 2017.
We hope to receive funds before the 25th of October, because we would be
announcing the program at the conference on 1st November.

Grant Amount: $2,500 Total ($1000 Training venue for 1month, $500 Snacks for
Kids for 1month training and stipends for 3 Python volunteer developers, $500
for PR, Tshirts, logistics and alternative power supply, $300 to support
conference materials, $200 for other expenditures. ) To thank you for your
sponsorship, we will place the PSF logo on our organization website and on
the conference website, we would also place the PSF logo on all print and
publication materials to be distributed at the conference and during the
1month training. There'll also be opportunity to talk about Python
programming at the conference. PSF may also send a representative to speak at
the conference.
The conference will gather up to 1,000 teenagers on 1st November, 2017.
The 1month programming will train up to 50 teenagers(Boys & Girls)
Follow-up activities: The conference will be adequately covered and emphasis
will be on the 1month training. Pictures and videos of the 1month training
will be sent to PSF, we would also create a web page to showcase the 1month
program and the projects built by students after the training.
Disbursement: Wire
US intermediary SWIFT code: GTBINGLA
Additional Attachments:
Link to Code of Conduct: http://teenscancode.com.ng/about-teens-can-code.html

The results of this submission may be viewed at:

PSF-Board mailing list
PSF-Board at python.org<mailto:PSF-Board at python.org>

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