[python-events] Submitting an Event: Pythology One-Day Conference: Security Best Practices

Colleen Walker colleen at sixfeetup.com
Fri Oct 20 15:31:49 EDT 2017

 * name of the event: Pythology One-Day Conference: Security Best Practices 

 * type of event: Conference

 * focus on Python: Series of talks on the best practices for Security when using Python.

 * approximate number of attendees: 75

 * location (incl. country): Fishers, IN US

 * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): February 2ns, 2018 from 9am-6pm

 * link (in HTML format): <a href="https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pythology-one-day-conference-security-best-practices-tickets-38252250511?aff=PSF">Pythology One-Day Conference: Security Best Practices </a>

Thank you,
Colleen Walker
Community Engagement Manager
Six Feet Up, Inc.
Accelerating the deployment of your Python applications
Direct Line: +1 (317) 861-5948 x605
Email: colleen at sixfeetup.com

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