[python-events] Python event submission

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Oct 25 06:31:07 EDT 2017

Added in retrospect. Sorry, but I was too busy the last few

BTW: You have calendar access now, so feel free to help out
when you see event submissions piling up :-)


On 12.10.2017 14:58, Marc Garcia wrote:
> (Sorry, I've just seen it was sent as html.)
> Please add the following event:
>  * name of the event: Python Sprint: PyMC3 beginner friendly
>  * type of event: sprint
>  * focus on Python: yes, on PyMC3
>  * approximate number of attendees: 20
>  * location (incl. country): Zopa, Cottons Centre, Tooley St, SE1 2QG,
> London, United Kingdom
>  * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): Tuesday, October 24, 2017;
> 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM
>  * link (in HTML format): <a href="
> https://www.meetup.com/Python-Sprints/events/244062594/">Python Sprint:
> PyMC3 beginner friendly</a>
> Btw, I guess I'm missing something, but wouldn't be easier to have a form
> for submitting the events, that gets saved directly to the database with a
> flag unreviewed? Easier for the reviewers I mean, that could approve events
> with a single click (which doesn't seem to be the case now).
> If the problem is that someone that implements it is missing, please let me
> know, and the next event I'll send is the sprint to implement it. :)
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Marc-Andre Lemburg

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