[python-events] DjangoCamp Hyderabad, India

Ranjith Raj Vasam ranjithraj at swecha.net
Fri Sep 29 10:36:46 EDT 2017

Hello team, please add this to events list

Please add the following event:

  * name of the event: DjangoCamp Hyderabad
  * type of event: Conference
  * focus on Python: Python 3 + Web Development using Django
  * approximate number of attendees: 200+
  * location (incl. country): CBIT College, Hyderabad, India.
  * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 06 Oct 2017, 10AM to 4:30PM
  * link (in HTML format): <a 
href="https://cbitosc.github.io/djangocamp">DjangoCamp Hyderabad</a>

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