[python-events] [CFP] 2018 Prog. in Electronics Eng., Computer Eng. and Info.Tech. (PIECT 2018), 28 – 30 August 2018 | Surabaya, Indonesia, Submission deadlines 15th August 2018!!!

MALTESAS Conferences noreply at maltesas.my
Wed Aug 1 01:20:26 EDT 2018

**MALTESAS CONFERENCE SERIES** (http://list14.ebuzzzz.com/lt.php?c=302&m=341&nl=8&s=01d3540ae02f135f698bec40d77d220a&lid=23627&l=-https--maltesas.my/)**2018 Progress in
Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering and Information
Technology****PIECT 2018**

http://list14.ebuzzzz.com/lt.php?c=302&m=341&nl=8&s=01d3540ae02f135f698bec40d77d220a&lid=23630&l=-https--piect.maltesas.my/ (http://list14.ebuzzzz.com/lt.php?c=302&m=341&nl=8&s=01d3540ae02f135f698bec40d77d220a&lid=23630&l=-https--piect.maltesas.my/)

**** (http://list14.ebuzzzz.com/lt.php?c=302&m=341&nl=8&s=01d3540ae02f135f698bec40d77d220a&lid=23631&l=-https--bimss.maltesas.my/)

28-30 August 2018 | Surabaya, Indonesia

SUBMISSION DEADLINES :- 15th August 2018!!!


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This international level conference its aim to be more specific in the
development and cutting-edge papers related to Electronics Engineering,
Computer Engineering and Information Technology (PEICT2018) and
Business, Management and Social Sciences (BIMSS 2018). The main goal of
the conferences** **is to provide an opportunity for academicians and
professionals from various background related fields from all over the
world to come together and learn from each other. An additional goal of
the conference is to provide a place for academicians and professionals
with cross-disciplinary interests related to Electronics Engineering,
Computer Engineering and Information Technology to meet and interact
with members inside and outside their own disciplines. These
Conferences aims to be a premier venue for researchers and industry
practitioners to share their new ideas, original research results and
practical development experiences from in Electronics Engineering,
Computer Engineering and Information Technology and Business, Management
and Social Sciences .

PEICT tracks:-

**Track 1: General Electronic and Computer Engineering**

* * **Telecommunication Engineering**

* **Electronic Engineering**

* **Computer Engineering**

* **Analog Signal Processing**

* **Digital Signal Processing**

* Multimedia Systems and Applications

* Power and Energy Circuits and Systems

* **Electrical and Control Systems**

* **Sensory Systems**

**Track 2: Specific Electronic and Computer Engineering**

* * **Biomedical Circuits and Systems**

* **Cellular Neural Networks and Array Computing**

* **Circuits and Systems for Communications**

* **Circuits and Systems for Video Technology**

* **Computer Aided Network Design**

* **Education in Circuits and Systems**

* **Life Science Systems and Applications**

* **Nanoelectronics and Gigascale Systems**

* **Neural Systems and Applications**

* **Nonlinear Circuits and Systems**

* **Visual Signal Processing and Communications**

* **VLSI Systems and Applications**

**Track 3 : Information Technology**


* Parallel Computing

* Bioinformatics

* Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing

* Distributed Computing

* Interconnection Network and Architecture

* Load Balancing, Scheduling and Resource Management

* Operating System for High Performance Computing

* Quantum Computing

* Scalable Servers and Systems

* Scientific/Engineering/Commercial Application and Workloads

* Surface Computing

* Ad-hoc Networks

* Computer Networks

* Network Security and Privacy

* High Performance Networks

* Information and System Security

* Mobile Computing

* Multimedia Signal Processing

* Network Security and Privacy

* Reliable Computing

* RFID Applications

* Trusted Computing

* Wireless Sensor Networks

* Audio Video System

* Biometrics and Human Computer Interaction

* Data / Image Compression

* Digital Image Processing

* Image / Video Coding and Transmission

* Image Enhancement

* Image Formation

* Image Restoration

* Internet and Web Applications

* Machine Learning and Data Mining

* Medical Imaging

* Multimedia Applications

* Pattern Recognition and Analysis

* Statistical and Structural Pattern Recognition

* Video on Demand

* Wavelet Transforms

* Approximation Algorithms

* Computational Biology

* Computational Geometry

* Data Compression Algorithm

* Parallel and Distributed Algorithms

* Exponential Algorithm

* External-Memory Algorithms

* Game Theory

* Graph Algorithms

* Network Algorithms

* On-line Algorithms

* Optimization Algorithms

* Parameterized Algorithms

* Pattern Matching Algorithm

* Randomized Algorithms

* Streaming Algorithms

* String Algorithms

* Clustering

* Databases and Data Mining Applications

* Database Tuning

* Distributed Databases

* Feature Selection and Feature Extraction

* High Performance Data Mining Algorithms

* Information Retrieval

* Knowledge Discovery in Database

* Knowledge Management

* Query Optimization

* Search Engine Optimization

* Sequential Data Mining

* Social Network Mining

* Stream Data Mining

* Temporal and Spatial Data Mining

* Text, Graph, Video, Multimedia Data Mining

* Web Mining

* Computational Business Intelligence

* Software Testing

* Software Reuse

* Software Metrics

* Software Architecture

* Requirement Engineering

* Unified Modeling Language

* Software Quality Management

* Software Project Management

* Maintenance and Reverse Engineering

* Component Based Development

* Formal Methods and Theories

* Empirical Studies, Benchmarking, and Industrial Best Practices

* Pervasive, Ubiquitous, Service-Oriented Computing

* Evolutionary Computing

* Swarm Intelligence

* Artificial Immune System

* Fuzzy Logic

* Support Vector Machine

* Artificial Neural Networks

* Hybrid Intelligent System

* Machine Learning

* Genetic Algorithm

* Pattern Recognition

Submit via :- 

http://list14.ebuzzzz.com/lt.php?c=302&m=341&nl=8&s=01d3540ae02f135f698bec40d77d220a&lid=23628&l=-https--edas.info/N24368 (http://list14.ebuzzzz.com/lt.php?c=302&m=341&nl=8&s=01d3540ae02f135f698bec40d77d220a&lid=23628&l=-https--edas.info/N24368)

See You in Surabaya, Indonesia!!!!

Any Enquiries please email to conf at maltesas.my

Thank you.
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