[python-events] Moscow Python Conf++ 2019

Vladimir Filonov vladimir at python.ru
Mon Dec 24 05:08:22 EST 2018

Good day! We want to add our conference to events calendar.

 * name of the event: *Moscow Python Conf++ 2019*
 * type of event: *Conference*
 * focus on Python: *Python-only conf*
 * approximate number of attendees: *400*
 * location (incl. country): Russia, Moscow,
 * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): *April 5, 2019, 9:00-19:00
 * Link EN: <a href="http://mpc2019.tilda.ws/">*Moscow Python Conf++
2019* (EN)</a>
 * Link RU: <a href="http://conf.python.ru/">*Moscow Python Conf++ 2019*

Best regards,
Vladimir Filonov,
Moscow Python Organizer

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