[python-events] Info for events page - [PSF-Board] PSF Board Resolution Notification - First PyHEPworkshop, Cincinnati, OH

Eduardo Rodrigues eduardo.rodrigues at cern.ch
Fri Feb 16 10:36:25 EST 2018

Dear PSF event organiser,

Following the great news of our event being sponsored by the PSF, could you kindly add to the events page the following:

PyHEP 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria

Thank you and best regards,

| Eduardo Rodrigues, PhD | University of Cincinnati | LHCb Experiment @ CERN & DIANA/HEP | Tel. +41 (0) 22 76 72097 |

From: Betsy Waliszewski
Sent: 12 February 2018 19:07
To: eduardo.rodrigues at cern.ch
Cc: psf at python.org; rodriged at ucmail.uc.edu; Phyllis Dobbs
Subject: Re: [PSF-Board] PSF Board Resolution Notification - First PyHEPworkshop, Cincinnati, OH

Hi Eduardo,

We are pleased to inform you of the PSF's decision to support the first Python in High Energy Physics (HEP), PyHEP, workshop taking place July 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria with a grant in the amount of US$1250.

Please see the resolution was approved on February 12, 2018: 

RESOLVED, that the Python Software Foundation Scientific Work Group grant the first Python in High Energy Physics (HEP), PyHEP, workshop taking place July 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria in the amount of US$1250, based on an expected attendance of 50. If organizers indicate a larger attendance, the PSF will sponsor additional students at $25/person up to an $1800 total grant.

After the event, the board & grants workgroup require a follow-up report by completing the grant accountability form here: http://bit.ly/2kgf4up. If there will be pictures, please share them and we can possibly discuss doing a blog post after the event. By providing pictures from the event, you are giving the PSF permission to use them in PSF marketing and reporting. If you have any further questions on this, please do not hesitate to ask.

PSF logo and description:  
Here you can find our logo and official description for your event website and/or conference printed material: https://wiki.python.org/psf/PSF%20Press%20Kit.

Events Page:
Please contact events at python.org to have your Python conference added to https://www.python.org/events/

Grant Instructions

Please send an invoice to our Controller (cc'ed) according to her instructions:
	By email attachment: “Phyllis Dobbs“ <phyllis at python.org>
	By fax: 858-712-8966
	By postal mail:
		Python Software Foundation
		PO Box 37
		Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896-0037

The invoice should include:
   	Name and address of the recipient
   	Date of the invoice
   	Description of the grant (i.e. Django Girls Workshop in ABC town)
  	Amount of the grant and currency
   	Form of payment desired: check, PayPal, or wire
		- Checks:  In the US, checks are preferred for amounts less than $500.
		- PayPal:  For payments of $2000 or less, please include a PayPal address, if available.
		- For wire payments, please include banking details:
			For a US Bank:  Routing number
			For a non-US Bank:  SWIFT Code of the beneficiary's bank and SWIFT code for the United States' intermediary bank. 

			Bank Name
			Bank Address (bank branch where account is located)
			Account number (or IBAN, if available)
			Account beneficiary (exact name on account per bank)
			Account beneficiary's postal address  (must match bank records)

NOTE: We will do our best to process invoices within 7 business days of receipt. 
For questions regarding payment, please contact Phyllis Dobbs directly (she is cc'ed in on this email).

Best Regards,


On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 1:05 PM, psf at python.org <psf at psfmember.org> wrote:
Submitted on Thursday, January 25, 2018 - 16:05
Submitted by anonymous user:
Submitted values are:

     Existing Contact: Eduardo Rodrigues
     Legal First Name: Eduardo
     Legal Last Name: Rodrigues
     Nickname: Eduardo
     Email: eduardo.rodrigues at cern.ch
     City: Cincinnati
     Country: United States
     State/Province/Region: OH
     Region Other:
     Postal Code:
     Phone Number: 0041227672097

     Organization Name: High Energy Physics Software Foundation
     Organization Email: rodriged at ucmail.uc.edu
     Twitter Handle:
     Website: http://hepsoftwarefoundation.org/

==Proposal ==
Event Date: Sat, 07/07/2018
Grant Type: Conference
Grant Title: First PyHEP workshop
The first Python in High Energy Physics (HEP), PyHEP, workshop will be taking
place this July in Sofia, Bulgaria, as a pre-conference event for the
Computing in High Energy Physics, CHEP, conference. CHEP is the biggest
international event in computing and software in High Energy and Nuclear
Physics. Typically, over 500 scientists attend CHEP each 1.5 years.
We, members of the HEP Software Foundation (HSF), a relatively new and moral
entity, are organising this first PyHEP workshop, the first one of a new
series of workshops in HEP. We would very much appreciate sponsorship from
the Python Software Foundation on the occasion of the kick-off of these
workshops series dedicated to the usage of Python in the HEP community at

This workshop is fully organised by members of our HEP community. Financial
support is not available via the HSF, since it is a moral entity. We are
hoping to secure sponsorship to cover the fixed cost for the rental of the
venue and the technical equipment. This will allows us to advertise a
workshop with a fee sufficiently low even for younger researchers.
The workshop lasts 1.5 days. The meeting agenda is at
The fixed costs for venue (room and administration) and technical material
amounts to roughly $3600.

Ideally funding would be received by May, to be on the safe side.
Grant Amount:
We would request a sponsorship at the level of $1800 to fund the fixed costs
related to the venue booking.
To thank you for your sponsorship, we will place the PSF logo on the workshop
website, on the HSF pages dedicated to the PyHEP activities, and will mention
your sponsorship on all event information sent around and posted in the usual
HEP channels.
We are expecting 50-100 attendees.
All presentations will be public and available online on the event page.
Follow-up activities: We plan to take minutes of the discussions held during
the workshop. These should include a summary but also actions that the
community will decide should be undertaken. These minutes will be posted on
the event page, duly acknowledging sponsorship.
Disbursement: Wire
US intermediary SWIFT code: UBSWCHZH80A
Syllabus Link:
Length of time:
% of Python:
Additional Attachments:
Link to Code of Conduct:

The results of this submission may be viewed at:

PSF-Board mailing list
PSF-Board at python.org

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