[python-events] PyCaribbean Inclusion on Python.org events

Leonardo Jimenez leonardo at codetiger.co
Tue Jan 2 13:00:31 EST 2018


Is there any way you can include our event on the events page
<https://www.python.org/events/python-events> of Python.org

* name of the event: PyCaribbean
* type of event: Regional Conference (PyCon)
* focus on Python: General Conference, all topics related to Python
* approximate number of attendees: 350-400
* location: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
* dates/times/recurrence: 17-18 Feb. 2018: 8:00 AM-6:00PM. Annual conference
* <a href="http://pycaribbean.com"> PyCaribbean</a>

Leonardo Jimenez
*Principal & Co-founder*
Office:  (781) 247-5020 (US)
            (809) 685-7720 (DR)
Cellphone : (809) 875-5425 (DR)
leonardo at codetiger.co
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