[python-events] SPb Python and PiterPy Meetup events

Sergey Sokolov dmemory7 at ya.ru
Wed Jan 10 13:44:54 EST 2018


I’m writing on behalf of SPb Python user group and also of freshly created PiterPy Meetup. I wanted to say, that SPb Python Meetup is not a thing anymore, it’s PiterPy Meetup since last December. Although SPb Python Drinkup is still at rest and keeps it’s name. We kinda split brands, yeah.

I’m attaching an ics with PiterPy Meetup schedule, it’s pretty much the same as SPb Python Meetup had — second Tuesday of the month.

Best regards,

Sergey Sokolov, PiterPy Meetup organizer
dmemory7 at ya.ru

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