[python-events] Yearly Conference and Bi-Monthly meet up in Miami for Python Developers

David Gutierrez david68cu at hotmail.com
Sat Sep 15 15:37:43 EDT 2018

Event Details
 * name of the event: Python Miami
 * type of event: Python conference
 * focus on Python: Python Flask ,
 * approximate number of attendees: 200
 * location (incl. country): Miami Dade County
 * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): Monthly Meet Up , Annual Conference (each 1st week of November)
 * link (in HTML format): <a href="http://www.pythondevelopersmiami.com/">Python developers Conference</a>

I would like to create this yearly event along with a bi-monthly meet up for Python Developers as we do not have any event in Miami or South Florida

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