[python-events] please add the following event :)
SmartNinja Germany
info at smartninja.de
Tue Feb 26 03:47:26 EST 2019
Please add the following event: * name of the event: Web Development 1
Düsseldorf * type of event: Course * focus on Python: Basics of
Frontend and Backend programming with python * approximate number of
attendees: 12 * location (incl. country): Dusseldorf, Germany *
dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 6th May - 24th July |CET -5
hours|(12 weeks| monday & wednesday, 18-19.30pm)
* link (in HTML format): <a
Thank youuu :)
*Christine Schlütz*
SmartNinja Operations
+49 (0) 1578 0535 600
+49 (0) 221 975 802-19
christine.schluetz at startplatz.de
SmartNinja Deutschland ist eine Marke der Familie Gräf Holding GmbH | Dietrich
Bonhoeffer Str. 5 | 50354 Hürth
Amtsgericht: Köln | HRB: 64870 | USt-ID: DE265744217 | Geschäftsführer: Dr.
Lorenz Gräf, Matthias Gräf
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