[python-events] Adding SciPy 2019 to the Python Conferences

Jill Cowan jillc at enthought.com
Thu Jan 3 18:08:15 EST 2019

Please add the following event: * name of the event: SciPy 2019 * type
of event: Conference * focus on Python: Scientific Python *
approximate number of attendees: 800 * location (incl. country):
Austin, TX, US * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): July 8-14,
2019 * link (in HTML format):  https://www.scipy2019.scipy.org/


Jill Cowan

Operations and Recruiting Manager | Enthought

Tel +1 512 536 1057

jillc at enthought.com <jillc at enthought.com>
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