[python-events] Python Event in Penza city, RU

Sergey Emelyanov karagabul at gmail.com
Thu May 16 04:57:28 EDT 2019

Good day. Starting from February 2019, we in the city of Penza spend 
every month meetup. You can add to the calendar next

  * name of the event: Python Penza Meetup #3
  * type of event: Meetup
  * focus on Python: We talk about 2 topics. Library PyContracts and dependency injection in Python
  * approximate number of attendees: 10
  * location (incl. country):Sovetskaya st. 2, Penza,Penza region, Russia. Cafe "Cones&Nuts"
  * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 2019-05-18 11:00 UTC +3 (Moscow)
  * <a href="https://www.facebook.com/events/443068006504768/">Python Penza Meetup #3</a>

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