[python-events] Adding MoscowPythonConf++ conference

Никита Соболев n.a.sobolev at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 11:30:13 EST 2019


I would like to submit a Python Conference that I help to organise.

* name of the event: MoscowPythonConf++
* type of event: conference
* focus on Python: yes, 100% pure Python
* approximate number of attendees: we have around 600 guests
* location (incl. country): Moscow, Russia
* dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 2019-03-27, full day
* HTML link: <a href="https://conf.python.ru/en/2020">MoscowPythonConf++

Best regards,
Nikita Sobolev
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