[python-events] Robo Dojo: Intro to Python, Palo Alto, CA

Lou, Dan Dan.Lou at CityofPaloAlto.org
Thu Oct 10 18:23:37 EDT 2019


Could you please add our Robo Dojo: Intro to Python workshop to https://www.python.org/events/?

The details of the workshop is now published at Palo Alto City Library's website:
Robo Dojo: Intro to Python<https://paloalto.bibliocommons.com/events/5d9e165b3777055a00682559>
Would you like to develop some Python application for the Library's robots Elsie and Dewey? This event is what you are looking for. It is designed for beginners who is interested in learning the Python language. Previous coding experience is not required but preferred. Bring your own laptop and we will learn programming, robotics and human robot interaction in a fun way. The tutorial development for this workshop is sponsored by Python Software Foundation.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Dan Lou | Senior Librarian
3700 Middlefield Road | Palo Alto, CA 94301
650.838.2973 |Dan.Lou at cityofpaloalto.org<mailto:%20Dan.Lou at cityofpaloalto.org><mailto:dan.lou at cityofpaloalto.org>

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