[python-events] PyconNepal User-Group Meeting, Apply for Recognition.

Policy Nepal policynepal at outlook.com
Sat Sep 21 02:17:45 EDT 2019

Dear Team,
Allow us to introduce PyconNepal Python UserGroup managed by industry professional people. We had an informal meeting to conduct python regular conference here in Kathmandu. We are exited to conduct python user group meeting to conduct PyconNepal conference. We would like to request you to have recognition as Python User Group. We are expecting following candidates:
1) Targeted Areas: Professional Python Developers worked as senior python developer in various companies in Nepal.
2)First phase of user group meeting approximately 25-30 people.
 3) Location Policy Nepal Pvt. Ltd. (Capacity 32 px.)
4) We will have detail planning for long-term meetings and schedules.
5) We will plan PyconNepal volunteer’s code of conducts.
6) We are going to make sub unit leaders for following units of Pyco Nnepal conferences :
'AI/ML, -3Hrs Applications Web/Desktop - Infrastructure/Management/Automation. Embeded Systems/Mobile. -Closing.

We will spread notification through following link.

Hence we are going to set a complete selfsustained user group with the help of local corporate sponsersors, who uses python as main production language.
Thank  You.


Pashupati Neupane

Chief Executive Officer,

Policy Nepal Pvt Ltd,


Policy Nepal Pvt. Ltd

New Baneshwor, Kathmandu , Nepal

Hours: Sunday - Friday: 10 am - 6 pm, Saturday & Last Sunday : Closed
Phone: 014154675| Email: policynepal at outlook.com | URL: www.policynepal.com.np<http://www.policynepal.com.np>

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