[python-events] Event update

Melanie Feldmann feldmann at dpunkt.de
Fri Apr 3 08:04:36 EDT 2020

Dear calender team,

please update

  * name of the event: enterPy
  * type of event: conference
  * focus on Python: Python for enterprise applications
  * approximate number of attendees: 120
  * location (incl. country): Mannheim, Germany
  * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 25.-26. May 2020/all day, 
  * HTML link using the format: <a 


with a new date

  * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 23.-24. November 2020/all 
day, UTC+01:00/-

Thanks and stay healthy!


Melanie Feldmann
Lektorin & Konferenz-Managerin
Editor & Conference Manager

dpunkt.verlag GmbH                         feldmann at dpunkt.de
Wieblinger Weg 17             fon: 49/6221/14 83-42  fax: -99
69123 Heidelberg, Germany                http://www.dpunkt.de
HRB 331024                    Geschäftsführer: Dr. M. Barabas

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