[python-events] PythonCamp Cologne 2020

Reimar Bauer rb.proj at gmail.com
Wed Jan 22 14:58:24 EST 2020

we do it again. 11th PythonCamp. Please add our event to the famous calendar.

 * name of the event: PythonCamp 2020 - Cologne
 * type of event: BarCamp
 * focus on Python: Yes
 * approximate number of attendees: 50
 * location (incl. country): GFU Cyrus AG, Am Grauen Stein 27, 51105
Köln, Germany
 * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 25.04.2020, 9am CET -
26.04.2020, 4pm CET
 * link (in HTML format): <a


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