[python-events] Please update.Python Events Calendar about PyCon JP 2020.

syoshida at pycon.jp syoshida at pycon.jp
Mon May 11 12:27:52 EDT 2020

Hi. Python Events Calendar team.

I am PyCon JP 2020 Staff.

Please update.

 * name of the event: PyCon JP 2020
 * type of event: conference
 * focus on Python: Whether you're a beginner or a master, we are looking for your talk proposals to share your knowledge of Python.
 * approximate number of attendees: 1000
 * location (incl. country): Online(Japan)
 * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): From 28 Aug. through 29 Aug.,
 * HTML link using the format <a href="http://url/">name of the event</a>: <a href="https://pycon.jp/2020">PyCon JP 2020</a> <br /> <a href="https://pyconjp.blogspot.com/search/label/proposal" >Call for proposals! closes: 31st May 2020(Sun) 23:59(JST)</a>

PyCon JP Committee Board /PyCon JP 2020 Staff
Shunsuke Yoshida <syoshida at pycon.jp> 

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