[python-events] Invitation for DevScript winter of code

DevScript Tech tech.devscript at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 13:26:22 EST 2020

DevScript community aims at providing a platform for talented and motivated
students who are interested in various techno-savvy fields. DevScript has
achieved levels of success over the previous 10 sessions. We are looking
for support from a successful company that has an understanding and
appreciation of how the power of a team spirit changes lives.

We’re currently planning to host DevScript Winter of Code from December 25-
Feb 25 approximately and we’re looking to Collaborate with you.

It’s hard for us to meet our goal without the help of an amazing Open
source organization like Python.

That’s why I’m writing to you. Would you consider partnering with our

You can join our mission in helping students by


   Adding your opensource projects to this event, providing support and
   guidance to Contributors, and swag upon Successful merged PR.

   Monetary Support

   Sponsorship in form of Rewards and Goodies/perks for winners and top

In appreciation of your anticipated Partnership, we would like to offer you
from our side :


   Your Company logo on our Project Partner

   20-30 minute Webinar during the event

   Promote your product at our Telegram and Social media group at a very
   low cost

We hope that we can count on your help to make this event one of our best

 We hope to see you at DevScript Winter of Code!

Anush Krishna
Lead Organizer DevScript WInter of Code <http://woc.devscript.tech/>
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