[python-events] Outco Events

Patty Montoya patty at outco.co
Tue Jan 5 18:31:54 EST 2021

Hi, I would like to submit some upcoming events I believe the Pycon
community would benefit from.

 * name of the event: The Facebook Technical Interview Process with
Former Facebook Recruiter * type of event: Workshop * focus on Python:
Foucus on software engineers finding a job. * approximate number of
attendees: 100 * location (incl. country): Online  *
dates/times/recurrence (incl. time zone): 6:00pm PST - recurrency
every month on the 3rd wednesday of the month.  * HTML link using the

<a href="http://https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/7216098892283/WN_UhFfXMV6RCCfMOfYTuR4YQ/">The
Facebook Technical InterviewProcesswithFormerFacebookRecruiter</a>:

 * name of the event: the Uber Technical Interview Question By Uber
Software Engineer
* type of event: Workshop * focus on Python: Foucus on software
engineers finding a job. * approximate number of attendees: 100 *
location (incl. country): Online  * dates/times/recurrence (incl. time
zone): 5:00pm PST - recurrency every month on the 1st Monday of the
month.  * HTML link using the format

<a href="http://https://https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_j_p1cjKZSdOKhm-JGDgwgQ/">theUberTechnicalInterview


[image: Outco Inc]
*Patty Montoya
Director of Partnerships | Outco Inc
Phone: 415-996-6105
Follow: Linkedin
, Yelp
, Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/outco.io>, Instagram
, Youtube

www.outco.io <http://outco.io/>

*Schedule a meeting with me here!

*$200 Engineer Referrals - outco.io/referral <http://outco.io/referral>*

*Join our next cohort here!
is Outco?
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